The legend of spyro
The legend of spyro

the legend of spyro

Sparx: Never catch me this time, purple boy! Narrator: As for Spyro, he, like all of us, accepted the world into which he was born, believing he was one of them. And a more oddly-matched, yet compatible pair of brothers the world has never seen. In fact, the two were almost like brothers. the young dragonfly who has born the same day.

the legend of spyro

They named him Spyro and he grew up alongside Sparx. Spyro: 8, 9, I come! Narrator: It was a purple dragon, who they eventually adopted and raised as one of their own. Narrator: What emerged from the egg frightened them at first. Narrator: Eventually, the egg came to rest in a distant swamp, where a family of dragonflies gathered 'round wondering what magnificent creature could possibly live inside. Volteer: Save them! The Dark Armies have come! Ignitus: May the Ancestors look after you. I should have hidden the eggs long before, but I. But the Dark Master heard the prophecies as well. It wasn't the big hit I was hoping for, but it kept me entertained for an afternoon or two.Dialogue Narrator: In the Year of the Dragon, in a world beyond the realms, I, like all the others, awaited the birth of the dragon of whom the prophecies foretold. All in all, its a fun game with sharp graphics, smooth animation, and great voices. That, along with unimaginative scenery, makes for a very repetitive experience. Enemies come at you dozen after dozen after dozen, and you can't proceed to the next area until you kill all of them.

the legend of spyro

Once you get the hang of it, you can execute nearly endless combos, so it doesn't take long to kill enemies. During the course of the game you learn 4 elements: fire, lightening, ice, and earth, each with 3 upgradeable forms. For such a small little guy, he is insanely powerful. Our favorite purple dragon's new attacks are the high point of the game. However, I did enjoy the story of how Spyro came to be. I played the whole thing through in about 7 hours no time at all in the world of gaming. The newest installment of Spyro has incredible voice talent (David Spade, Elijah wood, Gary Oldman) but it seems almost wasted such a short game. I remember playing the original Spyro back in '98 and having a blast.

The legend of spyro